Materials Eligible for Recycling:
Cardboard, Paper, Newspaper, Paperboard, plastic 1-7, Aluminum, and tin cans.
Non-Eligible Materials:
Glass, styrofoam, plastic bags, and shredded paper.
about us
Full Circle Recycling (FCR) is a multi-agency collaboration aiming to provide recycling services in the city of Blanding with the belief that if we throw anything "away it must go somewhere. FCR's recycling project will provide a "somewhere" that gives our community members an option to create less waste in our landfills. We aim to create part-time employment for persons with chronic mental illness, substance abuse, and/or other barriers to competitive employment through a curbside recycling service in and around Blanding, UT.
Multi Agency Involvemnet
Full Circle Recycling will become part of the non-profit San Juan Foundation. Waste Management supports this project and is willing to rent a covered dumpster and transport unsorted recyclables to a single stream recycling facility, once a month. San Juan Counseling values this project. If project proves to be sustainable, there may be opportunities to provide its services to other locations.

Commercial: $25 per barrel a month for onsite pick-up inside the business building.
Commercial: $18 a month per barrel for curbside/outside pick-up.
Residential: A monthly fee of $18 per barrel.
Recyclables will be collected on the same day as trash pick-ups on the weekdays. Workers will be collecting recyclables from 10-11:30 am. Time is subjected to change. While, recyclables will be picked-up curbside rather than brought by consumers to a specified location there will also be a Dumpster at the Blanding City transfer station. We will sort recyclables into different groups for you!
Bill Pay
$18 Monthly Barrel Bill Payment
(Commercial or Residential)

Bill Pay
$25 Monthly Barrel Bill Payment
(Commercial Only)

Once you sign up for recycling services. You will be delivered a recycling bin and recycling services will start on your next trash pick up date. On the first of the next month, You will receive an invoice via email, which includes a link to pay for your services. We highly recommend you use this link. You will then receive an invoice with easy online payment on the first of each month thereafter.